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最后更新:2019-08-21 浏览次数:23

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上门维修电话:028-83085150,双流博世冰箱售后维修官方电话,原标题:【双语】例行记者会/Regular Press Conference (2019-08-20)



Foreign Ministry Spokesperson Geng Shuang's

Regular Press Conference>



  Q:>  答:我不了解你说的具体情况。但我想,对于当前香港局势,14亿中国人是什么态度,你应该清楚。海外华人华侨、广大留学生是什么态度,通过媒体报道,你应该也很清楚。我想这些人都可以表达他们的观点和看法。

  A: I'm not aware of the specifics you mentioned. But I believe you know the attitude of the 1.4 billion Chinese>2


  Q: The British government says it's extremely concerned about reports that an employee of the British Consulate-General in Hong Kong has disappeared when>  答:我不掌握你说的情况。

  A: I'm not aware of what you said.


  Q: There have been reports>  答:根据我目前掌握的情况,8月19日下午,一辆载有中国游客的旅游大巴在距离老挝琅勃拉邦市约40公里处发生严重交通事故。车上共载有46人,包括44名中国公民和2名老方人员。截至北京时间20日13时,在44名中国公民中,13人不幸遇难,31人受伤。受伤人员均已转至琅勃拉邦市,部分在旅馆安置,部分在医院救治,其中2人重伤,尚未脱离危险。2名老挝公民受轻伤。目前事故原因正在调查。

  A: As far as we learn,>  获悉事故发生后,中国驻老挝使馆和驻琅勃拉邦总领馆即启动应急机制,全力协调老挝军警、地方救援力量和中资企业、领事协助志愿者等开展救援。驻琅勃拉邦总领馆总领事连夜率工作组赶赴现场开展工作。20日清晨,正在老挝参加中国—老挝“和平列车—2019”人道主义医学救援联合演训暨医疗服务活动的中国人民解放军医疗队,根据此次车祸情况配备紧急救援需要的各科室医生,会同老军医务人员,赴当地执行伤员救治和前接任务。

  Upon learning the accident, the Chinese Embassy in Laos and the Consulate-General in Luang Prabang immediately activated an emergency response mechanism. They coordinated with the Lao army and police as well as local rescue teams and mobilized Chinese enterprises and consular assistance volunteers to help. The Consul-General led a team to the site overnight. A PLA medical team was participating in the "Peace Train-2019" China-Laos humanitarian and medical joint rescue exercise in Laos around that time.>  目前,事故处置工作仍在紧张进行。外交部和中国驻老挝使领馆将继续跟进并持续发布有关情况。

  Currently intense rescue efforts are still going>


  Q: A series of demonstrations and marches were reported in Moscow recently. The US embassy in Russia said in a statement>  答:我们对俄方立场深表认同。近期莫斯科发生多起非法游行,俄罗斯政府采取措施维护社会稳定,这有着充分的法律依据。令人感到不安的是,一些西方国家却在此时跳出来指手画脚,搞“小动作”。正如俄方所说,这是典型的干涉内政行径,是霸权主义的表现。

  A: We could not agree more with Russia's position. Lately there have been several illegal marches in Moscow. The Russian government took measures to uphold social stability. There is sound legal basis for it. What is disturbing is that some Western countries rushed to the scene with their finger-pointing and tricks. Just as Russia described, this is typical interference in other countries' internal affairs and the very embodiment of hegemony. 


  I need to point out the following. What certain foreign forces are up to in Russia is the same with their agenda in Hong Kong, China. A recent Russian statement>  我要强调,中俄在维护国家主权和安全、维护社会稳定和秩序、反对外部干预方面有着共同的利益和诉求。中方愿同俄方一道,按照两国元首达成的重要共识,坚定不移深化中俄新时代全面战略协作伙伴关系,就共同关心的问题开展交流互鉴,加强相互支持,紧密沟通协作,维护共同利益。 

  I would like to emphasize that China and Russia share common interests and needs in safeguarding sovereignty and national security, upholding social stability and order, and opposing foreign intervention. China stands ready to work with Russia to act>5


  Q: According to reports, a Hong Kong resident surnamed Cheng who works in the British Consulate-General in Hong Kong went missing after he traveled to Shenzhen>  答:我刚才已经说了,我不掌握有关情况。

  A: Like I just said, I'm not aware of what you said. 



  Q:>  答:我不知道你所谓的中国官方媒体对香港示威者的“负面”描述是指什么?香港发生了什么、真相是什么,我想世人自然会有判断。为什么中国官方媒体所介绍和描述的就一定是负面或者是错误的?

  A: I wonder what do you mean by the so-called "negative" narrative of the protesters in Hong Kong by the Chinese state-run media? I believe people around the world will come to their own judgment about what happens in Hong Kong and what is the truth. Why do you think what described by the Chinese state-run media outlets must be negative or wrong?


  As to the policy of Twitter, you may ask the company itself. It is reasonable and understandable that Chinese media use overseas social media to elaborate>7


  Q: Recently Canadian Foreign Affairs Minister Chrystia Freeland issued a statement>  答:加拿大方面罔顾中方严正立场,罔顾国际法和国际关系基本准则,屡次对香港事务说三道四、指手画脚,粗暴干涉中国内政,我们对此表示强烈不满和坚决反对。

  A: In disregard of China's solemn position, international law and basic norms governing international relations, the Canadian side has made irresponsible remarks>  我愿再次强调,香港事务纯属中国内政,不容任何国家、组织和个人干预。加方没有任何权利和资格妄议香港事务。任何妄想在香港制造混乱、破坏香港繁荣稳定的图谋都不得人心,也注定不会得逞。 

  I would like to stress>  当前中加关系已因加方无理拘押孟晚舟遭遇严重困难。我们严正要求加方深刻反省错误,摆正位置、悬崖勒马,在涉港问题上谨言慎行,否则必将给中加关系带来进一步严重损害。 

  The China-Canada relations have encountered serious difficulties due to Canada's arrest of Meng Wanzhou without cause. We demand the Canadian side to deeply reflect upon its mistakes, put itself in a right position, stop its wrongdoing before it's too late, and exercise prudence in words and deeds>


  Q: It has been reported that Cambodian Prime Minister Hun Sen signed a directive>  答:众所周知,网络赌博危害性极大,是当今社会的一大“毒瘤”,世界各国的民众对此深恶痛绝,都希望相关问题得到有效治理。中方对柬方作出全面禁止网络赌博的决定表示高度赞赏。我们认为,这一决定有助于保护中柬两国人民的利益,有助于加强中柬执法合作,有助于维护中柬友好大局。

  A: As is well known,>  2019年是中柬执法合作年,中方愿同柬方一道,采取切实措施,深化执法安全合作,造福两国人民。

  This year is the year of law enforcement cooperation between China and Cambodia. China stands ready to work with Cambodia to take effective measures to deepen law enforcement and security cooperation to the benefit of our peoples. 



  Q: You just took a question>  答:的确,我们也注意到菲律宾政府宣布暂停颁发新的网络博彩营业牌照,对菲方这一举措表示赞赏。希望菲方进一步全面取缔网络赌博,继续同中方加强执法合作,联合整治涉网络赌博、网络诈骗等犯罪活动,为两国关系发展和地区和平稳定营造良好环境。 

  A: Indeed, we also note the Philippine government's announcement and appreciate it. We hope the Philippines will go further and ban all>10


  Q: Yesterday the US Defense Department announced that it tested an intermediate-range ground-launched cruise missile. I wonder if the foreign ministry has a response to this?


  A: We noticed relevant reports. Less than three weeks after the US announced its withdrawal from the Intermediate-Range Nuclear Forces Treaty>  美方此举势将引发新一轮军备竞赛,导致军事对抗升级,进而对国际和地区安全形势产生严重消极影响。我们奉劝美方摒弃冷战思维和零和博弈的过时观念,对发展军备保持克制,切实维护现有军控体系,多做有利于维护全球战略平衡与稳定、有利于国际和地区和平与安宁的事。

  This US move will surely trigger a new round of arms race and lead to escalated military confrontation, which will negatively affect international and regional security. We advise the US to discard the outdated Cold-War and zero-sum mindset, remain restrained in developing arms, earnestly uphold the existing arms control system and do more to maintain global strategic balance and stability as well as international and regional peace. 



  Q: The Wall Street Journal recently reported that Huawei used its technology and products to help governments of African countries like Uganda and Zambia to spy>  答:今天《华尔街日报》有记者来吗?(无人应答)

  A: Is anyone with the Wall Street Journal today? 


  No? Then let me spend some time talking about their reporting.


  I have noted Huawei's response as well as official statements from Uganda and Zambia. Spokesperson of the Ugandan President's office called the Wall Street Journal claim "totally false". Zambian government spokesperson said that the report was "malicious" and that "we refute it with the contempt it deserves". 


  I would like to add a few remarks. At the request of some African countries, China strengthened police and security cooperation with them to help build smart cities and secure cities. Such cooperation improved security and business environment and has been widely acclaimed among local people. It is common practice in the world to use modern technology for better social governance. Those technologies and devices are used in the US. Then why does the Wall Street Journal describe it as "spying>  《华尔街日报》有关报道断章取义、漏洞百出,缺乏事实和证据支撑。作为一家国际主流媒体,《华尔街日报》发表如此不负责任的报道,水准令人堪忧。 

  The flawed Wall Street Journal report takes things out of context and lacks facts and evidence. Such irresponsible reporting from the Wall Street Journal, a mainstream international media agency, makes>  非洲国家最知道自己想要什么,也最关心自身利益和安全,并不需要其他人操心。任何恶意抹黑中国、蓄意挑拨中非合作的图谋都注定是徒劳的。

  African countries know what they want better than anyone else. They care for their interests and security more than anyone else. They don't need others to be concerned>



  Q: Fijian Prime Minister Bainimarama said that the Australian Prime Minister Morrison behaved in a very condescending and impolite way at the recently concluded Pacific Island Forum, which was very insulting. Would you like to comment>  答:我们注意到斐济总理的表态。这已经不是岛国领导人第一次对澳大利亚的作派表达不满了,我们希望澳大利亚方面好好反思。

  A: We note Prime Minister Bainimarama's remarks. It is not the first time that leaders of Pacific island countries resented Australia's behavior. Australia might as well reflect upon itself.


  For a while, some in Australia have been spreading the China threat fallacy among island countries. They see China as a challenger to Australia's influence in the region. We note that Fiji's Prime Minister said that China is not competing with Australia in the region. Samoa's Prime Minister also said that Pacific island leaders do not share Australia's concerns about China's rising influence in the region. These are fair remarks.  


  China has long been providing assistance to island countries with no political strings attached. In the process, we fully respect the will of local governments and peoples, who sincerely welcome Chinese assistance as it has strongly boosted their economic and social development. Just as Prime Minister Bainimarama said>  我们愿在南南合作框架下,继续加强与太平洋岛国的务实合作,也希望包括澳大利亚在内的其他国家真正从岛国的需求出发,为帮助岛国发展经济、促进民生多做实事,体现真心实意,不要总是抱残守缺,摆脱不了冷战思维和零和博弈的旧观念。

  We are ready to continue practical cooperation with Pacific island countries under the framework of South-South cooperation. We also hope other countries including Australia will proceed from the needs of island countries, take more concrete actions to help them grow their economies and improve people's lives with sincerity, and get rid of the obsolete Cold-War mentality and zero-sum game mindset. 



  Q: Another big power project built by Chinese companies under the China-Pakistan Economic Corridor in Balochistan Province has been completed and is now operational. It is an early harvest project with national and strategic importance. Do you have any comment>  答:日前,胡布燃煤电站顺利完成试运行,正准备投入商业运营。该项目是中巴经济走廊项下重要能源项目,建成后可满足数百万巴基斯坦家庭用电需求。 

  A: The coal power plant of China Power Hub Generation Company (CPHGC) has been test run successfully and is ready for commercial operation. It is an important energy project under the CPEC. When completed, it can supply power to millions of Pakistani households. 


  China and Pakistan are all-weather strategic cooperative partners. The CPEC is a flagship project in our practical cooperation. China stands ready to join hands with Pakistan to advance, enrich and expand the CPEC with high-quality development. It will bring greater benefits to the people of our countries and the wider region. 



  Q: Recently Twitter and, to a smaller degree, Facebook, disconnected thousands of what they call "fake accounts" that they say were linked to the Chinese government and trying to spread fake information about the situation in Hong Kong. I wonder if you have any comment>  耿爽:你是指华为吗? 

  A: Are you referring to Huawei? 


  Journalist: The 90-day extension that has something to do with Huawei. 


  A: I will take your second question first. Huawei has already responded to the US decision. You may want to take a look. 


  I need to emphasize that the US has, in the absence of evidence, abused the national security concept and export control measures to discriminate against, treat unfairly and even blatantly oppress targeted enterprises of other countries. No matter what it does, the very nature of its wrongful behavior can never be altered. China has repeatedly stated its position>  关于你的第一个问题,其实刚才我在回答记者提问时都已经答过了。具体的情况我不掌握,但我想关于当前香港局势,14亿中国人是什么态度,大家应该很清楚。海外的华人华侨、广大留学生是什么态度,大家应该也很清楚。他们当然有权利来表达自己的观点和看法。

  On your first question, as I just said, I am not aware of the details. But regarding the current situation in Hong Kong, the attitude of the 1.4 billion Chinese is clear. The attitude of overseas Chinese including Chinese students is also clear. They have every right to express their views. 



  Q: A related question to Twitter and just wanted your comment>  答:你们今天对推特都很执着。(记者笑) 

  A: You are all quite obsessed with Twitter today.


  If you are interested in Chinese media opening Twitter accounts, you may ask them directly as it is them who opened the accounts. I understand they are doing so to introduce China to other countries, tell people China's policies and share Chinese stories. There is nothing wrong with that. 


China manages Internet-related affairs according to laws and regulations. We have an open Internet market in China with the largest number of netizens. We would like to share the opportunities in this growing market with foreign Internet companies, but the prerequisite is that they must abide by Chinese laws and regulations and respect the Chinese people's feelings.





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