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食品级液态石蜡油 药品白油

最后更新:2019-03-15 浏览次数:7
食品级液态石蜡油 药品白油

售后服务7*24小时报修电话: 400-666-1443

食品级液态石蜡油 药品白油

美国卡鲁梅公司(Calumet Penreco)高品质、高纯度
产品系列: Drakeol, Duoprime, Draketex, Peneteck, Parol


White mineral oils are among the most versatile petroleum products and are used in a wide variety of applications. Because of their extreme purity, these oils may be employed where only highly refined products are suitable― from pharmaceuticals to cosmetics to plastics to food processing, Penreco offers the Mineral Oil that meets your highest standards.

We offer the following White Mineral Oil USP products:
Drakeol 19 MIN OIL USP
Drakeol 21 MIN OIL USP
Drakeol 34 MIN OIL USP
Drakeol 35 MIN OIL USP
Drakeol 600 MIN OIL USP
Duoprime Oil 200
Duoprime Oil 300
Duoprime Oil 350
Duoprime Oil 500

We offer the following Light Mineral Oil NF products:
Peneteck LT MIN OIL NF
Draketex 50 LT MIN OIL NF
Drakeol 5 LT MIN OIL NF
Drakeol 6 LT MIN OIL NF
Drakeol 7 LT MIN OIL NF
Drakeol 8 LT MIN OIL NF
Drakeol 9 LT MIN OIL NF
Drakeol 10 LT MIN OIL NF
Drakeol 10 B LT MIN OIL NF
Drakeol 13 LT MIN OIL NF
Drakeol 15 LT MIN OIL NF
Duoprime Oil 70
Duoprime Oil 90
Duoprime Oil 100
Duoprime Oil 130
Duoprime Oil 180

Penreco offers the following Technical Mineral Oil products:
Parol 100
Parol 80
Parol 70
4463 Oil
6970 Oil
6970 LP Oil

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